Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fort Kick ass 3.0

Today I made my 3rd attempt at planet base after my first tow died horribly. I've learned if there was ever a colony that need my instruction for survival I should probably not accept. My 2nd attempt I learned until you are sustainable speed is key. my space ship landed and I leisurely built things like an airlock, water extractor, and a oxygen pump,I hadn't built a power source yet. it turned to night and I was stuck with no power and no way to make air or water so within 2 minuets game was over and 7 people were lost. My third attempt i did very well and moved with speed to power through the building process and to reach sustainability. I found from previous games to make sure you have enough food, bio plastic, and metal, without those your S.O.L.

So far I have 21 people right before I saved and quit. my base is very self sustainable and ready to go. i'm expecting to progress really well tomorrow following the list of rules I made for my self.
  1.  Don't try to build something if you don't have enough resources.
  2. Don't continuously add people to your base because you will not be able to support them
  3. Make sure you have a lot of spares and food all the time, they will come in handy.
  4. it takes a lot but build a telescope and a meteor preventer, they become a huge pain
  5. Be awesome and creative always :)

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