Today i played Planet Base. Released on Oct 15 2015 its a cutting edge simulator that takes place on a martian planet. I played about 50 minuets and built a huge base. within 10 minuets of hitting my prime with 14 people and almost all the buildings i ran out of food and people died off. i lost 12 people within 5 minuets.
My prime reached about 21 buildings and 14 people. that's no where near the top of what you can reach. i started off by building an oxygen pump and a water extractor. without these you wont make it 2 minuets. next i built an airlock and a canteen. the airlock is for a "front door" to your base, its how your people will enter the base. the canteen is for eating and drinking water which is key to survival. A tip i learned is not to back your base into a dead end. when i hit my prime i ran out of room and had to make weird, expensive additions to gain more room. ALWAYS pre-plan your base. Separate your buildings, from energy area, food and medicine, lab and research. Keep everything organized, this will make it way easier later on in the game when you have a lot of people and buildings. stay on top of your metal and food supply, i found these to be most important. energy and water are very easy to maintain if you make smart choices. i do recommend taking your time advancing your base because you wil run out of resources and not have enough people to take care of everything. I found the Landing pad to be very useful for the trading and new people all the time. i didn't make it to the point where i could buy a star port but i came close. id imagine its a great investment.
This screenshot is when everything started going downhill. i ran out of food and power.
I recycled most buildings in hopes i could make a return but i was definetly over. the one below is my last two men
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